Thursday, October 28, 2010

Is rehabilitation of felony offenders possible/ desirable?

There are so many different types of felony offenders if you really think about it. You could be a felony offender by drugs, theft, conspiracy, sex crimes, assault to name off a few. I think depending on the type of felony you have you can be rehabilitated. Growing up my dad was a felon he unfortunately had like 9 or 10 different felony charges. If you were to look at his record you probably would be scared of the thought of him being around having drug, theft and a few more charges on him you wouldn’t want him around and you would think that he was a piece of garbage that would never change but I believe that they can be rehabilitated, my dad was. I think anyone can be rehabilitated besides people who kill other people or who sexually assault someone there is something not right up in their head and they will be that way forever. I think with the right support and help people can become healthier and live healthy normal lives.

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