Thursday, October 28, 2010

Should homosexuals be permitted to serve in the armed forces?

Homosexuals should have the same rights as a heterosexual when wanting to serve in the armed forces. I think that denying someone because of their sexual orientation is wrong. Whether you are straight or gay who you have fallen in love with doesn’t affect how you would fly a place in the air force, shoot a gun in the marines or drive a truck in the army.  So I don’t understand what the big issue is with homosexuals in the armed services. They are just as willing as someone who is straight to put their life on the line for their country, why should they be denied because of their sexual orientation?
            I have a few friends that are gay and their passion is to serve in the forces but because they aren’t straight everything they want is thrown out the window. I think we need to change the laws when it comes to homosexuals serving in the armed forces. There sexuality isn’t going to bother the enemy their fighting against or the plane is going to decided because a gay man or woman is flying it will not work. We need to be fair to everyone.

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